On the Mountains so high... One stood so tall, She Touched the Sky, The stars began to Fall!!!

Zargrifth - The Book
Maecenas at ipsum quis massa rutrum gravida! Ut in varius orci. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Phasellus sed lectus nec risus posuere rhoncus sed et ligula. Sed gravida ornare turpis vel euismod. Phasellus quis tortor non lacus sodales rutrum sit amet non est
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Hmmmmm .....
Willy Wonka said:

" Eating chocolates makes you feel Loved!! "

But it didn't work for me.... I feel just as depressed as I was before.
Or Maybe... Snickers and Ferrero Rocher dont have those magical instincts as the Wonka Chocolates..
I want one Wonka Bar Pleaseeee!!!!

P.S: I really liked Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Btw!

Guess what ... I was taking some of the quizzes on blogthings.com, and look what I found!!!


Nutty and gooey - you always satisfy.

Yup Yup Yup !!! I LOVE SINCKERS , and that I am!!!
